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Magna tal-estrużjoni tal-profil tal-bieb tal-PVC

PVC door profiles are one of the most critical parts for buildings with doors. They help keep the door frames on their hinges and make sure doors can open or close easily. As these profiles are an essential element of every homes and building making magna li tagħmel il-bibien tal-pvc from Xinhe takes huge time as well efforts. For this process, extrusion technology is used to reduce the waste generated in a landfill. The PVC door profile is made faster and of higher quality thanks to this method.  


So, what is extrusion? Extrusion process: The extrusion is the process of pushing a material through a shaped opening in a die. Die: This acts like a mould and gives the desired shape to the material, just as we want. Extrusion technology for the production of PVC door profiles employs small pieces of PVC, known as pellets. Melt these pellets and push through the die. This hot profiled PVC use in door manufacturing.

Streamline your manufacturing process with a PVC door profile extrusion machine.

A part of the PVC door profile extrusion machine is a hopper. This is where PVC pellets are delivered to before they are extruded. After the pellets are slid in into hopper, they melt and end up being pressed through die by a screw mechanism. It is the die that ultimately helps create the shape of PVC to get suitable door profiles. One of the top features gone this robot is that it can rule for hours contiguously, making profile after another so opt for Upvc bieb u tieqa li tagħmel magna minn Xinhe.

Why choose Xinhe Pvc door profile extrusion machine?

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